Charles Jackson Charles Jackson

The Reclamation of D.E.I.

In recent years, the acronym DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has become a battleground in the ongoing struggle for social progress. What started as a means to address systemic inequities across various facets of society has now been hijacked, twisted, and weaponized by those seeking to undermine the very principles it stands for.

👀 Black Twitter Takes the Lead

This month, the phenomenon reached a crescendo as Black Twitter reclaimed DEI, which was being used as a coded language to mean Black people. DEI professionals also started shining a light on its symbolic importance in the fight against racial injustice. However, this act of reclamation also exposed the insidious attempts to redefine and vilify DEI, transforming it into a scapegoat for anything deemed remotely progressive or socially conscious.

👊🏿 The Assault on DEI

The assault on DEI has been multifaceted, with prominent figures like Christopher Rufo, Dr. Bruce Gilley, Dr. Peter Boghassian, James Lindsay, and institutions like The Claremont Institute leading the charge. Their efforts have included crafting misleading narratives, conflating DEI with unrelated ideologies such as Marxism and anti-Semitism, and even pushing for legislative measures to suppress what they perceive as "woke" culture.

🛡️ Defending DEI

This deliberate campaign to demonize DEI is not just an attack on a set of principles; it's an attack on marginalized communities whose voices and experiences are often overlooked and marginalized. By reframing DEI as a threat to free thought or a guise for radical agendas, detractors seek to maintain the status quo and perpetuate systems of privilege and oppression.

🔍 Racial Justice at Work Summit

But we cannot allow this distortion to go unchallenged. The upcoming Racial Justice at Work Summit, hosted by The Winter's Group, presents a vital opportunity to confront these challenges head-on. It's a chance to reaffirm the importance of DEI as a cornerstone of a just and equitable society and to mobilize collective action towards realizing that vision.

📚 Deep Dive into DEI

During the summit, I will delve into the nuanced evolution and persistent challenges within the realm of DEI. We will examine its historical context and celebrate its achievements. Most importantly, we will strategize on how to counter the misinformation and hostility that threatens to undermine our progress.

💪🏿 The Defense Continues

Ultimately, the defense of DEI is not just about preserving an acronym; it's about defending the fundamental values of fairness, justice, and dignity for all. It's about recognizing that diversity, equity, and inclusion are not buzzwords or checkboxes, but essential components of a thriving and harmonious society.

Join the movement to reclaim DEI and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future!

Register today:

#DEI #Inclusion #RacialJusticeAtWork #ReclaimDEI

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model].

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Charles Jackson Charles Jackson

The Downward Spiral of Baltimore: How the Black Butterfly and the White L were Created


White Flight

After years of forced segregation created by redlining which denied mortgages loans to Black residents, white Baltimoreans began to leave the city in the 1950’s and 1960’s.


Property Value Goes Down

In Baltimore real estate speculators known as Blockbusters drove down property values by scaring white residents out of their homes. White residents sold their properties at a deep discount and those same properties were often leased to Black residents. “In turn the tax base of the city collapsed” (Orser, 1999, p.4)

Baltimore City taxes are high.

Taxes Go Up

Baltimore city has the highest property tax rate in the state of Maryland! According to BBMR, “There are a large number of vacant structures resulting in residents and businesses sharing the additional burden of the tax base that is not taxable due to vacancy”. (BBMR)

Baltimore schools are underfunded. Baltimore City Police budget is higher per capita than other large cities.

Services Suffer

Baltimore City services are historically underfunded due to lack of a tax base including public schools. Because higher poverty means high crime, Baltimore City crime prevention costs more.

Many communities in Baltimore have hit rock bottom. Like the community with the "Highway To Nowhere",Incinerator etc.

Rock Bottom

California Newsreal states Rock bottom include “highways, prisons, waste storage, toxic facilities”. Currently Baltimore has a Highway To Nowhere, whose construction displaced hundred of Black Baltimoreans and an incinerator has been linked to health issues.


Adapted from the California Newsreel/PBS Documentary “Race - The Power of an Illusion” and The Black Butterfly by Dr. Lawrence Brown

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